Be Your Best Program
Each year grouping has a specific focus ensuring age appropriate content and activities in the sessions.
Year 7-8
Imagine if you went from feeling alone and lost in the beginning of your secondary schooling to knowing you are just like your peers, in fact, they feel what you feel!
What difference could that make to how you go forward in your schooling and social engagements?
When I ask this - 'powerful' is the most common response. It would be powerful. It could change the course of a student's engagement and participation. It would mean they know they belong, they aren't different. That in fact, feeling like they are different actually means they are like everyone else!
That's what this session strives to achieve. A sense of belonging that goes on to impact mental health now and in the future. Eliminating social anxieties and creating better opportunities for school and community engagement, fostering a greater overall wellbeing.
At this session we use tools to engage students to interact with each other in a positive voice. This promotes better self talk as students learn and identify their own qualities and begin to see themselves as others see them. We focus on their values which is how we feel our self worth.
This session addresses bullying by acknowledging how we feel and the impact of how we engage with one another. It works to strengthen students' ability to compartmentalize so that they can still feel their own value and worth in times when triggered or challenged.
The session will incorporate some great tools and tricks for students to explore how our mind works. The session also provides information on resources for when students require support with their mental wellbeing. Students gain a better understanding of themselves while feeling a greater sense of connection in this session.
With this age group we have a pre-engagement where the teacher provides a worksheet for students to complete prior to the session. This worksheet gathers information so that we can provide each student with a certificate at the end of the session. The certificate lists how others value them, providing a feel good take away from the session that helps to solidify all that is learnt on the day.
Year 9-10
This session focuses on feeling enough. Feeling not enough is a core belief that presents in so many of us. Student's at this age are very susceptible to low confidence and self esteem steaming from the deep seeded belief that they are not enough. When we feel this way we tend to reinforce the feeling by doing and behaving in ways that represent this feeling. For example; if I am not good at something I will just not try or I will quit because I am not enough. This session will show students how they can work through feeling not enough and see their own values.
Students will learn about the power of the mind through fun and creative activities. This will show students just how easy it can be when you have the right self talk and attitude towards things. They will master how to feel more confident, build resilience and feel their self worth.
They will learn about mental health and the importance of accessing support when needed. All students will gain resources on where and how to access mental wellbeing support.
Year 11-12
This session will focus on resilience, mental wellbeing and achieving goals. Our aim in this session is to increase motivation so that students feel energized to achieve their goals while providing opportunity for guidance and support for mental wellbeing. This will be attained by showing how people over come barriers to succeed and providing students with some fun activities to get them seeing how mindset really works.
Students will be provided a story of lived experience of mental health and suicide from when Mandy was only seventeen years of age. Mandy, will inform students of the importance of gaining support when struggling within the school and social environments. She will also advise students on how they can support others when they see someone experiencing mental health issues. This will follow on to provide students with tools to reduce stress and anxiety.
The session will also support students to explore their strengths and see their own value and self worth. The activities allow the students to develop a greater understanding of their individual excellence and look forward to the future.
Students will also learn some great tips that help with study and acing their exams including ways to feel less stress, more relaxed and confident.
Please Note:
Program flyers available on request.
To ensure adequate resources are available for your student's please ensure you book your Be Your Best session at your earliest convenience. You can use the contact form below or email Mandy at i.can.feelgoodtherapy@gmail.com
The Be Your Best sessions work best within a two consecutive period time allocation. Sessions can be amended to meet school needs on consultation with Mandy at time of booking.
The sessions work well with class sizing of up to 40 students. Larger sessions can be provided where teaching staff are available to support and assist activities. This will require a pre-meeting with supporting staff to ensure everyone is prepared for the session.
Pricing is dependent on student numbers. Please contact Mandy to confirm cost.

The Be Your Best Program can easily be booked across South West Victoria (Warrnambool, Portland, Koroit, Camperdown, Hamilton)
Mandy is happy to travel outside her local region to deliver workshops and the Be Your Best Schools Program. Please contact Mandy to discuss scheduling at your earliest convenience to ensure you can gain a booking.